Happy 6th Birthday To The Edward Foundation

Six years ago today The Edward Foundation was founded when a group of people on a Bulldog Owners Forum were made aware of a Bulldog who was being advertised at stud and later for sale on the internet. We could see from the advert photos that he was in a terrible condition. After receiving no help from reporting to the relevant authorities it was decided to raise the funds and get him out of a dire situation.
He inspired us to start this Foundation in his honour, to help the bulldogs at risk of abuse and used as a commodity.
To date we have helped over 659 bulldogs and this number is rising by the day, this would not be possible without our network of volunteers that are available at the drop of a hat to help a bulldog in need. We cannot thank them enough for their time, their dedication and their kindness along with our of supporters also without whom this Foundation could not exist.
If you would like to become a volunteer please contact us at, edwardfoundationvolunteer@gmail.com or make a donation this would be much appreciated.
You can donate via PayPal, theedwardfoundation@aol.com or just text TEFF13 with an amount to 70070
Thank you